I'm starting my own meme...

Feb 03, 2009 14:37

Well, I don't know, feel free to join in, anyway. Oh, and if you've been removed from my flist, it's because you're twittering me. I don't care for it, if I did, I would sign up there, and I haven't, so, you know.

My meme:

  • PUSHING DAISIES. I tried with this one, I really did. I did the first few episodes when they were on ITV, but the basic premise of the show bugs me so much and is so far-fetched that I just couldn't do it. And, no, I have nothing against Anna Friel, I think she's quite easy on the eyes, really, nor do I have anything against the dorky guy. What I DO have a problem with, is the voice-over, and that was pretty much the last straw for me when it came to giving up. THE VOICE! The endless "pie-maker" references! EGADS SHUT UP ALREADY!!! Nope. I couldn't do it. I'm glad you like it, if you do. I just don't... get it. Don't hate it, just don't get it.
  • HEROES. I tried even harder with Heroes, to the extent that I watched probably 75% of both seasons one and two. It just didn't grip me on any level, and after watching the first episode of season 3, I gave up. I had that thing with Heroes that's always a big hint for me, which is that after about 10 episodes, I still couldn't remember anyone's name. What a giveaway.
  • LOST. Two episodes, and it just made me laugh and laugh and laugh. Again, couldn't grasp any names and, more tellingly, I had no desire to. Gave up.
  • ANY OF THE STARGATE FRANCHISE. OHGODNO. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. With it not actually being anywhere on my television, ever, I often think that all of Stargate is just a figment of the Stargate fandom's imagination. Why they would collectively want to imagine such a thing is beyond me, though.
  • HARRY POTTER. This one's a no-brainer if you know me. IT'S A CHILDREN'S BOOK ABOUT WIZARDS. Repeat that after me just one more time, would you? In fact, anyone who can say the words "wizard" or "muggle" without laughing uncontrollably just isn't someone whose brain I can quite understand. The worst thing about the children's book about wizards, is that it was then made into series of films starring a bunch of on-the-cusp-of-pubescence children, who turned into some of the most unattractive teens and adults ever to grace the screen. I think this is probably what offends me most, because I LOVE teen flicks, especially if there's pretty people involved. I don't even care if they're about wizards, as long as there's pretty teens being pretty and teenagerish. But, no, there just wasn't a Lindsey Lohan amongst them (Oh, come on, have you seen Mean Girls? You have to admit she's kind of edible in that flick.) Oh, and anyone who tries to tell me that Radcliffe is an attractive grownup can just go stick their head in a pig. And, no, that's NOT his cock in that picture, it's one of the worst Photoshop jobs I've seen in a while. I digress. WIZARDS!!! What the fuck's up with that????

I've just been reminded of LORD OF THE RINGS. Again, NOOOOO!!! Trolls and hobbits and shit? What the hell? I am someone who is actually quite offended that the words "sci-fi" and "fantasy" are so often lumped together in your bookstores and whatnot, because while I care a lot for the first, I care not for the second in any way, shape or form. Trolls. Give me a break.

Those are mine, tell me yours. Just killing time till the Torchwood trailer.

fandom, memery

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