Fic rec? What? Whelk does fic rec now? I thought you didn't read fic, Whelk.
Well, no, I don't really read fic, this much is true. But... having said that, I can't really resist a summary with the phrase dom!Ianto in it if it appears out of nowhere on my Flist. Just out of a certain scholarly interest, of course. I'm sure you're all well aware of my own personal
dom!Ianto views, and I do, on occasion, enjoy seeing where other people go with the concept. Usually I'm disappointed, my own personal fanon dom!Ianto never seems to quite jibe with other people's.
But then
THIS. This is called
Snap Snap and it's by
lady_razzle and YES. This is my dom!Ianto. This sucked me in with the story of the squeak and the WD40 because, dudes, THAT is my meticulous, thorough, slightly anally retentive dom!Ianto down to a T. I shall henceforth be pointing everyone at this fic if they can't get their head around my fanon image of dom!Ianto. WORD. Also, the last line made me giggle. Warnings: NC17, BDSM but nothing too gruesome, just some fun with a riding crop. If that's not your bag, baby, look away. But go read. It made me go yay.
ETA: Its
prequel companion piece, in which a slightly bemused and completely unapologetic dom!Ianto has a chat with Gwen whilst looking for the WD40 is really quite funny indeed.