wahhhh ;o;

Sep 02, 2003 18:17

i just watched grave of the fireflies ;o; i cried...n thats sayin sumtin cuz i nevah cry during movies *sniffle* so everyone we're meeting at art hallway by lockers tomorrow? o.o blah the truck isnt wurking xx; i may have to walk tomorrow blargh i like walkin in afternoon but morning is killer *eats watermelon popsicle* whee~ i found the magnet for my mirror that in my locker XD n i was tryin to put it in without one 8P only i could b that dumb
waiiii jess i weeeeeeeeeeeen *managed to walk home*
leanna: y do u keep complaining about bond o.o;
katie: wahhh ;o; am i not gonna c u again til skool goes out for summer holidays? ;o;
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