Feb 09, 2005 13:24
Ok, today is the first day I have worn my fish net, sine the inceodent at the mall. OMG. I dont know why I refused to wear it. Probly because it brought back bad memories:(. But Fuck thoese ass holes. I will never see them again, and evin if I do I wont reconise them, and they will never see me. SO Fuck them. If you have no clue what I am talking about, read my up date about 3 weeks ago. N E way.
I have to go home and wash the fishnet shirt because Val is going to barrow it. Hmmm I wonder if I can get my old granny to wash it for me since I dont have N E more laundry to wash. I guess I could wash some things I wore earler on.... Damn I hate doing laundry.
I hate college. All my classes are eather filled with men who are streighter than arrows, or men who are flaming. WHy cant there be more like me? A happy meduim. Grrr Damn all of you who are Bi and wont come out. Yesterday, Me and My friends were all talking about our top 10 celeberties who we would Fuck. Mine were
1. Avril Laughvine
2.Ashten Kurtcher
3. Sarah Michelle Geller
4. Jessie McCartny (sp?)
5. Hallie Berry
6.Randy Harrison
7.Alyson Hanigon
8.Gregory Smith
9.Amy Lee
10.David Borenannis (sp?)
THere is my List, e-mail me or comment with you list, I would love to hear it, Tenchi771986@aol.com