I kinda got away from fannish stuff for a while. I blame my kindle. I started reading a lot more books. I read all the Dresden books, and the Longmire books, along with a few other series. I finally hit an annoying book the same time Escapade happened. Hanging out with fans and going to panels of shows I like really jazzed me up again. I found
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From some of our favorite fanfic authors getting published, I've also discovered the wonders of the m/m romance genre, since with e-readers the books are much less expensive to get. And with Goodreads, I've found a place where people rate the books, so you aren't just buying them blindly. (Sure, some ratings are "off" but if 30 people have rated something, you can get an idea of whether a book is worth buying.)
I'm glad you're going to be able to cut back at work somewhat. If I could have cut back, I probably would have waited longer to retire, but I also was so annoyed with everything going on there. I had planned to work a few more years, but the very week I was eligible I decided I couldn't stand it any longer and put in my papers. I still don't regret it at all.
So, who else is being published besides Astolat? And I shall have to investigate Goodreads. I'm on a few daily mailing lists that list free or discounted books. Anything that sounds interesting I look up the reviews in Amazon. But yeah, the kindle has got me back into reading pro fiction (and having said that, the current book would count as a flawed fanfic in style/content.
I will love not having to work that third night. It's hard now. Even the younger people are exhausted after a busy night. Someone younger can have my job--I just need health benefits.
BBT. I, too, started watching a couple of years ago and have caught up on the past eps. I had two different sets of fannish friends that kept pushing me to watch the show and they were right. Very funny, and I usually dislike sitcoms.
SPN has sort of set up a reset with their new bat cave and the brothers not going at each other for a change.
I felt sorry for Robert Carlysle on SG:U so I'm very happy to see him on OUAT. He's actually my favorite character on that show and I keep watching just because of him when the show gets draggy.
Aside from POI, are you reading fanfic for other shows? Any particular stories you liked in POI you could rec? It's a small enough fandom at the moment I'll probably catch up and read it all in the next few months.
Glad to hear you're enjoying your retirement. :) I miss meeting up with everyone at the SG cons. It was fun while it lasted.
sga_madison is writing as Sarah Madison. Scroll down to see her books. I hope it will work if you're not a member:
All of her books are good, but the best ones are Crying for the Moon and Raincheck. Unspeakable Words is excellent as well, but it was a fanfic at one time. If you don't remember it, then I highly recommend it, too. Her lj page is at: http://sarah-madison.livejournal.com/
lamardeuse is writing as G.N. Chevalier. She only has one book out so far, but I liked it. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13265990-bonds-of-earth
taste_is_sweet is Aundrea Singer. She just published her first book--good PTSD one. I liked it a lot:
There are others who say they used to write fanfic, but I don't know who they are in fandom. When I find out, it's usually Harry Potter or Brokeback Mountain or something. LOL
An EXCELLENT mystery writer is Josh Lanyon. If you want to start out with one of his best standalone stories (rather than a series), I recommend Fair Game.
I am buying many of these as ebooks, directly from the publisher. DSP regularly has 20-25% off sales every month. Then I download the books to my computer, copy them to my Nook (you can get Kindle version, too) and then I get a bargain and the authors generally get more royalties that way.
I'm not reading much fanfic for other shows now. Still a bit of SGA, but there's not much out there. A few from the Sherlock TV show. I've read a few Hawaii Five O. As for POI writers, estefee and cesperanza are writing some good ones. They are lj friends who used to write SGA and now write POI.
I misss seeing people at the cons, too, but I simply don't feel like spending the money to see any of the remaining Creation cons. I guess I could go to a SPN one, but I'm not fond of all the little girls. LOL
Take care!
It was one thing to go to the Creation Cons when the show was still on because there was new stuff to hear the guests talk about. Nothing new lately...except for that new SG1 tablet/phone game that's suppose to be out this month. It looked cool:
Are you going to MWC this year? I have a room and no roommate.... :)
So I feel my decision is for the best anyway. The organizers got way too big for their britches years ago and apparently they're just getting worse.
Not sure if you're familiar with cannelfan or not. He and his wife ran the Improv panel every year, and he always did the video montage of all the actors we had lost in the previous year since the prior con.
I hope the convention ends up being worth your trip there and that you have a good time. Even though it's apparently at a different hotel, and the comments weren't that happy about it, my attitude is that the hotel has sucked for years, so anything else couldn't be much worse. Just watch out for bedbugs, though. You know they are around--I certainly do!
Thank you for the link to that blog--I hope he's wrong for the most part (but I'm sure he's right for some!) I did find the list of panels and it could stand some weeding (13 Starsky and Hutch panel? NO!) There are some Grimm, Haven, POI and Hobbit panels, along with others I'd like to catch, so that's good--so far. The vid show has shrank alarmingly.
I've pretty much decided this is my last one. I'm going to see my East Coast friends one last time and say a proper goodbye. We'll see. I do understand completely about your decision. I will always see you on the net, though. :)
I meant to add this:
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