Castle...I guess odds are good that it will be renewed but we don't know yet? I really have enjoyed this show and do hope it gets picked up. Now, let's talk about the 'cliffhanger'...
First, I am *SO* glad that cliffhanger is just a mystery rather than someone's life in peril. That, and killing characters off, just gets so old and annoying. So, we find out that Kate's mom's murder was probably one of several that occurred at the time (and wasn't it nice to see Picardo being all warm and smart instead of annoying?)
How did her mom get killed again? Iirc, Kate and father were out for a special meal and her mom was joining them there. Was she robbed, too? I didn't pay that much attention at the time, I'm sorry to admit. And we know her dad became an alcoholic but that Kate helped him through it. Is there anything else we know about her past?
Two likely scenarios are that she was one victim of a serial killer, or two, that someone she knew wanted her dead and slipped her in the middle of a few other murders to obscure the motive. Hmmmm....
I've wanted this show to be more like Ellery Queen because there are so many similarities. Both are writers, both are actually very good at discerning murder scenarios because as mystery writers, they are killing people all the time and have good resources to valuable info. Both have a great family life. Usually, I can't stand child actors but I do like Castle's family. They are fun and loving and very different. Alexis' first date was very sweet and it not embarrassing.
One thing I wish was different was I wish I knew Kate's team better. I don't know their names and only in last night's ep was I beginning to think, "oh, I've seen him before, right?" Just because they are very minor characters doesn't mean that they should be anonymous. I thought the set up between Castle and The Mentalist was very similar, but Lisbon's team quickly became unique and I've enjoyed their interactions. As writers, they've given a bigger space to Lisbon's team and cut the Lisbon/Jane stuff way, way back which works for me. Jane is too damaged, too intent on getting Red John for there to be any possibility of a nice romance between the two leads. Castle is set up to have a romance at it's core...unfortunately, I don't see any chemistry between Kate and Castle. Perhaps it is part of the plan? Maybe they are going to let it grow very slowly, very naturally. At the moment, I just see flirtation, attention without intention, and if they had a relationship at this stage, it would be very shallow, very one-night standish. Perhaps they are waiting for the emotional layers to develop. I hope so.
House. I've gone from being very interested in House to a much more casual viewer who perks up whenever House and Wilson are together on the screen. And Cuddy, too.
Last week, I was pretty disgusted with what they did with House/Cuddy and how it totally changed her character. But hey, that's the way it goes, right? Female characters are just there to provide plot for the male characters. Needless to say, I'm am relieved that it was all a hallucination. House looked devastated and lost at the end when he realized he couldn't tell what was real and unreal any more. Very touching to see the compassion and sadness in Cuddy and Wilson's faces. The House cliffhanger is that House goes to the Psychiatric Ward. I don't envy the doctors or staff there, even though I think he wants to cooperate, wants to be better. I wonder how many eps this will carry on to? Will it be resolved by Sept or will we get a few eps or half a season of watching him regain his sanity. Thank god they didn't go that way for the last ep if the show had been canceled!
Amber's been very spooky, hasn't she? Very powerful, very much the trickster.
Why is the Chase/Cameron thing such a big deal? I never cared for Cameron though. Is it because she is now better? She's been so drawn to damaged people do the writers feel that with her marriage to Chase, she has gotten past that? Or were they going for the artsy-fartsy moment of visual contrast between the marriage and the commitment to the Psych ward? I'm afraid artsy-fartsy is a button with me now since I've had too much exposure to Cooper and his faux-Greatness.