Nov 12, 2008 17:40
There's a plotline on Criminal Minds that reminds me of a quote I can't quite remember from this 1977 film. I thought, "I need a copy of this film on DVD!" so I went to Amazon and found it's discontinued and used copies are going for between $99 and $250! Luckily, I see the film will be broadcast on Nov 25 on Sundance. I think it's fair to say someone will be burning a disc of this. Sheesh!
Anyway, in the film, Sigmund Freud helps Sherlock Holmes with his obsession about Prof. Moriarty. It turns out there is an event in Holmes' early years that explain why he has become such a diligent investigator. When asked why he's a detective, he says something like, to seek out the guilty and fight injustice. Does anyone remember what that quote was? I've already check the IMDB but nada.
So, in a few hours, we will find out what memories Dr. Reid has suppressed from his childhood. I must say I haven't been this excited/impatient to see a tv show in years. I am always excited to see a Michael Shanks ep of Stargate but the writing was poor so I never got so impatient to see what would be reveled in the show.
:::drums fingers on desk and checks clock again:::
criminal minds,