Tuesday: Yeah! Obama won!
Wednesday: Very little sleep as they tore up the road in front of my bedroom while I was trying to sleep.
Thursday: Took the car into the shop to get the brakes replaced and the headlight changed. The 'check engine' light turned out to cost $300 because a smog sensor thing went out. :( Didn't get much sleep especially since Brindle was very needy and needed to sleep cuddled up to my head, his long, soft fine fur tickling my nose with every breath. He snores, too.
Friday: Ran around and did all the chores that had piled up over the week and got ready to go to the con and see my good buddy Feltedhare. FINALLY got to the con just before 6pm, missing the first day. :( Collected a big wiggly hug from Feltedhare. :) Got to sleep in a big bed with no cat! :) :)
Saturday: Saw Raelee Hill, Anthony Simcoe, and Claudia Black. Claudia looked great. She's proud of her two sons. She's done some voice over work. Said that she was too pregnant to work on Life, but they seemed interestd in bringing her back for a ep or two. She thanked the fans, saying that of ten questions asked at some meeting (can't remember what) two had to do with why she wasn't on the show. And about the show, Moonlight, they had created that character just for her, and she did warn them that if they hired her, their show would get canceled.
Anthony had a bad experience doing Nim's Island and started his own business a media consulting firm and the Front Bench are his clients. Apparently the Front Bench is like the Cabinet in the US. And he wears a suit and tie to work! Good for him!
For dinner we drove to Santa Monica listening to the Jesus Christ Superstar soundtrack and had excellent Fish and Chips at the King's Head Pub. :) On the way back, I avoided a road construction area and detour by getting...um...misplaced. I knew where we were but had just never been in that area before and after a few turns found a street that would take us where we wanted to go. So, as we're driving down this strange stretch of road when we look across the road. One of those electric wheel chairs is moving at a pretty good clip on the sidewalk. The person is completely cloaked in black and is wearing a round white face mask, like a paper plate with eye and mouth holes. It was damn creepy. Really, hair standing up on your neck creepy. It was something you'd see on Doctor Who just as all hell breaks loose.
Disconcerted, we wander back to the hotel, getting misplaced by yet another detour. Pulling into the parking lot we go down the dark part trying to get close to the front of the hotel. We find a spot right next to the cross walk and as the car coasts into the slot, the Overture ends with that fanfare melody that, if there were vocals, it was the part where they sing "Jesus Christ! Superstar!" You could almost see the spot awash with a golden, heavenly light and angels ushering us into a safe haven. We both broke down into hysterical laughter. I did still keep an eye out for the mechanized dementor as we walked into the hotel, though.
Sunday: The guests were Francesca Buller, Ben Browder and Virginia Hey. Francesca has begun to study philosphy and maybe starting to teach drama. Virginia continues with scents and candles and stuff. Ben was as funny as usual. He didn't mention any further jobs, though. A fan did ask, since Claudia had been asked who was a better kisser, Ben or Michael Shanks, it was only fair to ask a similar question of him since he'd kiss both Claudia and Michael. Ben pointed to his wife and repeatedly asked the fan, "do you *see* who's sitting over there?" But then he talked about all the guys he's kissed--Beau Bridges, Chris Judge twice and others I think. He told a few funny stories about Chris. Of Michael, he just repeated what a professional he is, and how prepared he is. I did record most of Ben's talk and may post it on youtube if there is interest. I imagine other people might already have posted it?
After dinner, we fired up the laptop and watched Continuum, which Feltedhare said she liked. At first I thought she might fall asleep, but towards the end, she was sitting up and leaning forward. We had watched Farscape the night before. I must say I agree with Feltedhare it is a lot easier to bring a laptop instead of hauling about a VCR and trying to figure out how to rewire the hotel's tv.
After the film ended we just talked. At 1am, we got up to go to bed when there was a knock at the door. Apparently our neighbors complained we were being too loud and a security guard was sent to tell us to quiet down! He seemed apologetic, saying we weren't very loud but that the walls were thin. Not a problem. Feltedhare was shocked and embarrassed, never having been turned into to security before. For me, there was that one night at the Hilton during a Creation Stargate Sunday and there must have been 14 women and one guy in one room watching Sumuru and laughing our butts off. I do believe security was dispatched on that night. *g*
Monday: We woke up when we were ready and had a long leisurely breakfast at Denny's. Feltedhare is home now, and my glass slippers have been turned back in. It's good to be home but it was a wonderfully fun and relaxed weekend. :)
And in the next few days, I have to catch up to a week of my flist. :(