Well, I suppose this will be the begining of a long drawn out saga of living with an aging parent. I do feel the need to document but realize this will interest very few of you.
Mom is 75. She doesn't get out much and the phrase use it or lose it is very valid for her. She's begun to ask that I get her stuff from the kitchen. See, it would be better if she did it herself because when she does finally get out of that recliner, she's all stiff in the shape of the recliner. But, I do it.
Lately though, she's begun misplace my mail and I'm not getting my phone messages. Apparently there was something from the Neilson ratings company that she doesn't know where it went. When the FiOS guys were here and I was discussing stuff with them, she answered the phone, listen for a bit and then interrupted me to hand me the phone. It was a FiOS automated message finishing up. She didn't try to listen to it and of course, by the time she gave it to me, I had no idea what they wanted to communicate and the call ended. Oh well.
This morning, I get up to find she's doing some online audio study thing with Oprah and some German guy that is all about pain bodies and how the pain of our ancestors is in our DNA and the pain of mothers is transfered to their unborn babies and how these pain bodies screw everyone up. Whatever. But then, she says that Verizon left a message on the answering machine but she deleted it. She didn't listen to it, she just deleted it. Not too sorry about it either. I explained that it was very frustrating to me not be getting my messages and she pretty much just up and left the room. I'm thinking my negative emotions were sending her pain bodies vibrating or some such shit. She just gave me a look when I said there could be other things I'm required to do to set up this FiOS thing and we can't ignore their phone calls. Actually, yesterday when I was talking to a tech guy to help me get the new email addresses, he asked if I'd confirmed the order. Well, we did it then but it was news to me and apparently I only had a month to do it in. I've no idea what would have happened if I didn't. Probably get a letter or a phone call...but oh wait, I won't get those either maybe.
So, no resolution to her screwing up messages for me. BTW, this has been going on for a while but hey, stuff happens. I'm just really annoyed that she's not repentant or willing to discuss solutions.
And it's not uncommon to find the doors unlocked and twice I've found a skillet on the stove with a flame on under it and she's forgotten it. Like I said, this will be the first of many posts I fear.
So, Oprah and the audio study group of the book "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle...helpful or cultish bullshit? Opinions anyone?