Thursday/Friday tv viewing

Sep 29, 2007 01:25

Ugly Betty: Very, very good! It had a few wicked funny and wicked sad moments. I was really happy Santos was alive but it was too good to be true. It took me a couple of scenes before I thought those scenes were a little too perfect and began to dread the inevitable. The nephew has grown! I really liked that they let him intern at Mode. And I get such a kick out of Mark and his shenanigans. I really am looking forward to what they are going to do with Alexis and what, his amnesia?

CSI: Hmm....kinda draggy.I hadn't heard any spoilers so I was interested in whether Sarah would be dead or not, but it just went on and on so we started fast forwarding towards the end. Now I don't care.

Without A Trace:Eric Close has rather short hair this season, and dare I say it, is looking a little older? I think I'm resigned to never getting enough Martin or Danny. I used to like LaPaglia but now I suffer from over exposure. And this is the episode that introduces James Marsters. Seems an ordinary role at the moment but I like that he's paired with Viv. I like her and she doesn't get much screen time either.

Smallville: Glad Chole isn't dead. I'm glad that Lex was rescued by the mermaid, er, whatever. I can't be bothered by their plots anymore. I just ff to look at any scene with Lex, Lionel or Chloe. And, of course we get a scene where someone threatens Clark and Lex is STILL loyal and defensive of that bastard. Yet again, we are told how bad Lex is, how it's okay for Clark to hate him and I JUST DON'T GET IT. I'm really beginning to despise Clark. And Lana? Oh joy, she's still alive. :::yawn::: So, Lex is evil but it's okay for her to set him up for the death penalty. Yeah, I really admire her, too. Not.

Moonlight: Wow. Setting up the Vampire rules immediately, they didn't waste time. A couple of Forever Knight bits, the glowy eyes, the sunrise over the skyline, the blood in the fridge; very odd that he shoots up a small vial of blood. Oh look! He has a friend in the morgue! And a big, older model car. The guy is kinda good looking though. I can't believe that a really old vampire would be so hyper and tense.

Have to say it was really easy to concentrate on the computer while this was on. Maybe too much exposition and set up? I'll keep watching; I'm going to guess the show should get better as it goes along.

:::sigh::: I do miss LaCroix.

Stargate Atlantis: Had some good, some bad. The good: Lots of Zelenka. Lots of multitasking Rodney. Rodney standing his ground to Sheppard, Rodney apologizing to Sheppard. Sheppard throwing Zelenka.

The bad: What the hell happened to Sheppard? Suddenly, he wants the chain of command and is more obviously military. I'm not explaining myself very well, but he was more laid back for the past three years. Effective, but relaxed. Not so relaxed here. I didn't like colder interaction between him and Rodney. Could it be that Carter isn't even in the city yet and the Sheppard/McKay relationship is already changed? I don't doubt it, unfortunately. I suppose you could argue that this is how Sheppard should have been since day one, but it's jarring now.

The introduction of Carter made my hackles rise. I was TRYING to put away my annoyance of the character and be neutral here, but I think it was handled all wrong. We had just seen three men die, and we knew that they had lost gravity as they died. We segue to another body floating, but as the camera pans, we see it is happily working Carter. I don't know why I thought that was tasteless but it really annoyed me. We get Bill Lee, but he is so incompetent next to the mighty Carter. I mean, I really appreciate the Rodney and Radek speak in half sentences; there is room for them both to be brilliant and effective. But not with Carter and Bill. Why do I feel that all the other scientists will be dumber whenever they are near Carter? Makes me wonder how Daniel escaped that effect? Strangely enough, it was usually him that came up with the answers and made Carter look pedantic. But I digress. Carter and Lee happily decide to go adverturing in the Pegasus galaxy. Again, the their "let's go the mall and get ice cream!" attitude contrasted poorly with the tension and bad news on Atlantis.

Speaking of bad news, I don't like the new doctor. Apparently you can be a decent actor but still not be able to convincingly deliver medical dialogue...or maybe it was the script? Janet's intense professionalism was great; Becket's efficient caring also worked. The new doctor just sort of stood there and ordered stuff without being too engaged in the scene.

So, I liked many parts of this, but I was also stunned by some choices dealing with Sheppard. And I have a bad feeling about Carter's impact on the balance of this show. Right now it feels like she's going to ride into town and fix things up proper--with one hand tied behind her back. How did the Atlantis ever struggle by before this?

So, we have some reoccurring themes here. The dead character fake out and the reworking of older shows while not giving any tribute to them. And where are all the plagiarism cases?

sga, tv

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