Feeling better now and oh! Tuesday TV!

Jan 31, 2007 00:20

Finally, yesterday I feel I'm mostly better now. I still have an occasional cough and still have trouble staying up all night but I'm feeling lots better. Yay!

It sprinkled a little tonight. Will it be enough to start things growing so the yard doesn't look freeze dried? I hope so. I did see a wet raccoon tonight. Mom has seen that one momma with one baby as recently as last week. The second baby could just be lurking cautiously in the background so don't get too bummed out.

Brindle has been odd lately. Last Thursday and Friday he spent in the bathroom sink. Since Saturday, he's been laying in Mom's sweat pants at the base of the toilet. You know little boy kitties and the temptation they have of crawling into them when said trousers are down at your ankles. This morning, he decided he really wanted my sweat pants, too. So he has both pairs in there and is happy as a clam. What a strange little cat he is.

Reg and Scooter are both doing well. Nothing has broken down of late, which is nice. I do have to get my car its smog check tomorrow so I can renew its registration. Doesn't that sound like fun? Yeah. I plan on taking J/D porn along to read. Hehehe.

I did prune 4 rose bushes and the pomegranate tree over the weekend and have the scratched up arms to prove it. Two of the roses were the worst ones--that yellow one is taller than me! I've got two more to do, but they are short and spindly and shouldn't take long at all. I've got other things to prune after that, but they don't fight back!

House: I'm so not impressed. It reminded me of one of those self-indulgent existential plays. Ugh. Both of those patients weren't real people, they were just mouthpieces for the writer to bore the pants off of me. The only thing of interest is House revealing a little about his childhood (but wasn't that done so much better in that ep where they took that guy to Atlantic City?) And I did enjoy Cuddy calling House a felon, after he called her a purgerer.

Boston Legal: Not their best show, but I did find that little story Alan related about the prom and the yellow dress to be so poignant, and loved that the new attorney showed up in the party in a yellow dress. And wasn't that balcony scene wonderful? I think Alan finally hit the right combination to get past Denny's hangups: just dress like Shirley. Very funny!

The Shroud is at 37%. :::sigh:::

boston legal, household, tv

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