Things were going well for me...
I had just picked up smoked sirloin for a chili that I make every year for my dad's Final Four party. I was looking forward to getting some money back from my ex who had borrowed it almost two years ago. It was sunny if not quite warm.
My ex informs me that her sister's husband tried, and mostly succeeded, to kill himself by hanging him self in the bathroom.
Julian was there, and she had originally told me that he had discovered him. Thankfully this is not the case.
His wife had discovered him. She managed to get him down and start CPR as Julian called 911 and his grandpa.
On Friday they gave him about a 60% chance of not being a vegetable, beyond that they would not guess. He has since improved to the point that the doctors believe that he will make a full recovery.
As for Julian, he seems to be taking it well. We have talked to him and explained what is going on to the best of our ability. We are also having his teacher and the school counselor keep an eye out for any unusual behavior.
Beyond that I'm not sure what to do.
So that was my Friday.
Oh, I guessed 9 Oscars right. If it had not been for the Aviator I would have gotten about 13-14.