Always put on your seatbelt.

May 17, 2006 22:10

For the first time ever(!), I was hit by another car while I was driving! This was today. Argh, and it was only my fourth try! Damnit, what an omen. Oh, kudos to me though cause it was not my fault at all wohoo.

I was at a stop all happy with myself and crap when we heard this great ugly sound of attack, and I jolted in my seat and screamed(!), naturally. :) Unconciously, I closed my eyes too, cause I'm a loser that way haha, and when I opened them, the car in front of me had this huge dent on its left bumper and a lot of its side fell of. I thought it was me(!) and panic started to settle in that way it usually does, but then the driver of the car in front of us got out and chased after this other car so I knew it wasn't me, yes thank you Lord!

Then she, the ATTACKER, tried blaming it on us! She said I double-braked and that the guy in front suddenly turned right! WTF?! I don't know about the other guy but I did NOT double brake. Trust me, that was one of the very few-and-far-between times I used the brake pedal well so I would know. Plus the guy who was teaching told me so.

Though now, I just feel sorry for her. She has soo many bills to pay(the car I was in was 4k already, and that was only an estimate) and she's still so young. She's my age actually but she looked, ooh, about 21, and her boyfriend looked 25. Which reminded me how young I really am. And what kills is that it was her daddy's birthday too. Tsk tsk.

"Happy Birthday dad! And by the way I hit two cars today and the bumper of my car got totally wrecked but have a nice night! Love ya!"


Now I have something exciting to tell my folks.

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