Jan 10, 2006 16:58
I know I've said this for practically the last 9 (if not more) years of my life, but...
I'm going to work out regularly and eat well this year. I'm working out at 9 a.m. on MWF (and sometime during the weekends, hopefully), if anyone would like to accompany me. If you see me eating cookies or french fries at the dining hall, say mean things to me.
I have self-control when it comes to doing my homework (kind of). Why not have self-control when it comes to health?
I also want to be less of a recluse and go on more short field trips on the weekends (i.e. skiing at Fun Valley, walking around at Krumm Nature Preserve, canoeing at Rock Creek).
I also really want to quit my newspaper job, so I have more time to myself... Maybe I'll give my two weeks notice as soon as I figure out my workload this semester??