The creation side needs a bit more useful motor skills. If I could keymash incoherently on they keyboard and out popped well-written, well-received smut, then I would be a giddy person, indeed.
(However, Simulacrum decided to attack me last night, so it's slowly plunking along. Mm, nothing like the smell of audience attachment in the morning!)
well-written and well-received. hmm I would always think the two go hand in hand. guess not. Simulacrum? Sounds like a math term. *shivers* ganbatte ne
If only the two went together. I'm sure there are plenty of well-written authors out there (or they wouldn't be published, I'd like to hope), but not everyone will know of them. The reverse is true as well, I'd like to think - I'm looking at you, Eragon series...
Happily, simulacrum isn't a math term, though I'm guilty of mathing without leave. In fanfic. It scared a friend about as much as it did me.
(However, Simulacrum decided to attack me last night, so it's slowly plunking along. Mm, nothing like the smell of audience attachment in the morning!)
Happily, simulacrum isn't a math term, though I'm guilty of mathing without leave. In fanfic. It scared a friend about as much as it did me.
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