This kind of thing makes me wonder why I spent all of this time studying Japanese. Alas, sometimes I have to bow out to convenience.
In case you did not know, VGCats did a BLEACH parody. What I did not know is that Mordaedil made a Japanese version. Or attempted to, such as it happened.
Rule 1: do not use English to Japanese translators. Babelfish and its ilk are only good for one thing, and that is making horrible Engrish (and that is often best by going English->Japanese->English).
Rule 2: ask someone who knows Japanese (or more Japanese than you) to check your "work."
This is what happens when you don't. I laugh at 'choudo udedokei', but it is a twisted laugh. Now, to work out my frustration by cleaning my room and listening to Japanese drama CDs.