Dec 24, 2007 18:28
so its xmas eve:) waeyy just finished work, frozen! need to tidy my room and wrap pressies then go over to nicolas and put her tan on and get mine done... i dont even have any plans over xmas , what a big gay i am lol
i really couldnt give a fuck but tbh
had an awrite wee day at work, everyone got hugs n kisses n merry christmasses on the way out :)
barry got me a bottle of champagne for being the best assistant ever :) haha
so that was nice, got him 20 quid voucher for space.nk cause i didnt have him anything! ahh lol
oooh im excited for santa coming 2moz :)
still feel a bit iffy bout saturday night but (N) acwh welll, here's to two thousand and eight eh! :) cant believe it, wasnt so long ago we were wrtiting two thousand and five
merry christmas whoevers reading this, hope santas good to you and only gives you a big lump of coal if you deserve it =P