Loz said he'd meet Ten at L'Orinoco, so Ten had taken off, driving gently in the hopes of keeping CJ from startling awake. She might be upset that she'd drooled on her upholstery...
And Loz was there, parked by the elevators and leaning on his bike when Ten pulled into the parking garage. He pushed up and followed while Ten parked the car.
Once the engine was silent, Loz opened the passenger's side and gently lifted CJ out, stepping back so Ten could handle locking up the car again.
Nodding, Ten worked with Loz to close and lock the door while keeping CJ safe. He nodded to Harry the weekend doorman, who didn't bat an eye, and let them all into the private elevator.
Bits of words and phrases wormed their way through the fog in her brain and she tried to open her eyes and explain she did not, but her thoughts floated to something else entirely.
Going into the room where Ten indicated, Loz eased CJ onto the bed. He let his fingers stroke down her cheek for a brief moment before sitting back and letting Ten have a moment with his wife.
She jerked when he sat her down, the sensation of falling overwhelming. Instinctively she moved to drop her foot to the floor to make the room stop spinning, but when she couldn't reach it she mumbled something unitelligable and flung her arms out to grasp whatever she could.
Once the engine was silent, Loz opened the passenger's side and gently lifted CJ out, stepping back so Ten could handle locking up the car again.
To Ten. "Does she suffer from hangovers? You should make her work for this one."
"Crazy. Psychotic. Allalalone." she mumbled.
"No, you're not, love," Ten whispered, as Loz stroked her hair. He took her towards the bedroom, and Ten kissed her forehead as he followed.
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