Dec 04, 2006 01:28
Friday night I woke up with a hellllll of bad migraine, puked like 6 times, thought my left arm was going to fall off because my migraine was making it spasm really bad. Then I finally got to the hospital after hell of drama. I couldn't see because it hurt so bad. I had to make the hospital turn the lights off in my room. When the doctor shined the light in my pupils, they weren't contracting. I was in the most severe pain I have ever felt, and it didn't get better for a while. I had to get a CT scan, because they wanted to make sure that I didn't have a blood clot or something in my brain to make my migraine so bad. I got my CT scan, then I had to get a spinal tap because CT scans don't catch any small blood clots. If any of you have ever had a spinal tap before, you know it's some fucked up shit. They stuck a fat ass needle into my spine to get brain fluid out of my spinal cord, but they kept missing because my spine curves a funny way. It took about 6 times to hit my spinal cord, and about 4 lidocaine shots which burn like a bitch. It was probably more painful than my migraine at first when they were numbing the area. It was so intense I felt like I was going to pass out. Then, I started to feel some warm liquid ooze down my back. I asked them what it was and they were like, "oh that's your brain fluid!".....tight right. They took all the fluid they needed and I got to see it, it's just clear shit, but it was pretty weird to see. Then, I got an IV with three injections of delotted, which is some tight shit, but it took three shots to take the edge off my migraine which is all bad. Finally I got to go home at about 8 in the morning on Saturday. I was asleep all day, and when I finally woke up, my back felt like there were hot pokers in it...Spinal taps are no fucking joke. I was walking like a 90 year old woman. I fucking MISSED Jose's party that I had been looking forward to for weeks. My back is swollen and bruised and it is still hell of painful to stand, sit, anything but lay on my back. I do not ever want to get another migraine again. So, I hope everyone had a good time at the party. I am sorry I missed it. Oh and my left arm feels like it got run over from all the muscle spasms that my brain made it do. Brains are crazy, crazy things.
Hell of weak shit man.