Caught out!

Apr 01, 2012 23:06

OK.  I'm of a certain age, an age when one is supposed to be very mature.  I'm so mature that I have two adult sons and a daughter-in-law.

I'm the age when one is supposed to be concerned with the state of the world around us, or politics or civic duties.  I'm the age when some women get deeply involved in TV soapies, and/or women's magazines where they eagerly peruse the gossip columns.

Am I one of those people?  Not likely!  I've always been rather contrary to what other friends, family and acquaintances do and enjoy when it comes to interests and entertainment.

Well, last Friday at work, a visiting computer expert, who is installing a new computer program for the business, asked if he could use my computer so that he could access the network.  No problem.  I minimised the programs I had running and left him to it.  I went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea.  I had been gone for all of two minutes, when he walked out of my office, and handed my ringing phone to me.  And my home screen has this lovely picture happily gazing out of it.

So.  Anyway, when I walked back into my office a few minutes later, what was on my monitor for the world to see?  These two pictures that I'd had open in my personal email account...Trust him to click on that one when he was opening a new window in Internet Explorer!  That'll teach me to CLOSE it if anyone ever asks to use my computer again!


Then today I met up with two friends who are several years younger than me, but didn't know of my interest in David Tennant or Doctor Who.  They do now.  I picked up my phone to check something, and of course, there was David grinning his lovely smile.  One of them saw it and said, "That's not R... (my son), who's that?  He looks a bit of alright."  The other friend glanced over and said, "Oh, he's in Doctor Who!".  I went a rather bright shade of pink and spluttered a bit.  I managed to get out a "No comment" before changing the conversation.

So much for my cover of maturity.  :)

ten, doctor who

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