Welllll.... my dear husband is in a conundrum. He has had progressive arthritis since his twenties - far too young! We aren't by any means "old" now, either. He's already had multiple surgeries on his hand, shoulders, and feet.
Now we're told he needs at least one spinal surgery, which is frightening!!! However, he also needs his knee replaced, which was a large annoyance to get approved since he is so young. The spine surgeon said we should deal with the knee first, so he's scheduled for a knee replacement next month. Limping will cause back pain and real problems with the spine surgery. No limping. Therefore, knee replacement. (And if he'd gotten it two years ago he might not be in the situation he's in now with his back, grumble grumble.)
And the Catch-22. He must be able to walk normally to recover from the knee replacement correctly. And his back pain is preventing that right now. Augh.
I insert a pic of the beautiful Rose Tyler to make us feel better! :)
There. Still an unhappy situation, but a nice distraction - isn't she so cute??!?