Title: Three Christmas Traditions the Doctor Got Wrong & One He Didn’t
ladyofgallifrey &
daisyb10 Song Title/Artist: White Christmas ~ Bing Crosby; It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year ~ Andy Williams
Characters/Pairing: TenII/Rose
Rating: PG-13 for some sexual references, but nothing graphic and one sort of naughty word.
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who, or any of the characters. But they are on my Christmas list.
Spoilers: Post JE
Authors Note: Written for yourebrilliant as part of the songs_in_time Carol-A-Thon 2009
Summary: Exactly as the title suggests.
“Exactly, lovely things, Christmas cards. Spreading cheer, extending the joy of the season, peace on earth, good will toward…sorry, not fond of them?” X-posted at time_and_chips