For anyone who was following A Slower Pace and wants to know the rest of the story ;D, Chapter 1 is up on s1_else. Since we'll be posting weekly for more than two weeks we'll be cutting back on the comms we post to. We will be posting on dwfiction and time_and_chips but if you want to make sure you get the latest chapter, friend us!
Header and link to chapter 1 below. Note: If you have been following A Slower Pace, Someone Else starts a few chapters before it. Just to avoid confusion :D
Author: yourebrilliant
Betas: the_willows, time_converges, helygen
Pairing: Handy/Rose
Rating: G
Spoilers: end of s4.
Disclaimer: It all belongs to the Beeb.
Summary: Stranded in another universe, the Doctor and Rose must make a new life for themselves. Who will they be?
Fake cut to my journal One off cross post to: