[series]: Doctor Who
[character]: Donna Noble
[character history / background]:
DW Wiki: Donna Noble[character abilities]:
Can type 100 words per minute
Excellent memory for numbers and ability to recognize patterns
The mind and knowledge of a Time Lord (however, she cannot access these abilities at this time due to the Doctor wiping her memories, though they still exist in her brain. If she ever regains access to them, she will die.)
[character personality]:
Donna sort of has two personalities: the woman she was before meeting the Doctor, and the woman she became with the Doctor.
Before meeting the Doctor, Donna was the poster child for "hiding your insecurities behind an abrasive personality." She was loud, hot-tempered, and quick to misinterpret and take offense, but this served to hide her deep-seated belief that she's nothing special. She screamed because she didn't think anyone would listen to her otherwise. She never really had any passions in life, no dreams to aspire to; after college, she took to floating from temp job to temp job, which only reinforced her low self-esteem and subsequently her angry personality.
Still, for all her sound and fury, she has a compassionate heart and keen perception; when she witnesses injustice or cruelty, she can't help but to take action. But this is also why she eschewed the real world and important matters and spent her time gossiping about celebrities and obsessing over the miniscule details of her life. Why know about suffering when you can't do anything about it? It's not like she could do anything to stop the genocide in Burma or the oppression of Tibet; she couldn't even find a permanent job! She'd rather be shallow than spend all her time helpless and depressed.
Traveling with the Doctor changed her, made her stronger. She began to embrace not only the world around her, but the entire universe. She still didn't believe she could do anything special, but she recognized that the Doctor really had the power to save lives, and embraced her role as his conscience. She drove him to save as many lives as he could; she reached out her heart to those in pain, and tried to heal as many people as she could. She was determined and optimistic, and never let the Doctor give up on anything. She was also a little smug, which became EXTREMELY apparent when she became the Doctor Donna and gained the knowledge of a Time Lord.
But if given the choice between a luxurious spa and a learning expedition, she'd still choose the spa. Not EVERYTHING can change.
After Journey's End, when the Doctor wiped her memories to save her life, Donna returned to the woman she had been before. Shallow, deliberately oblivious to the world around her, and enamored with the petty details of day to day living. But slumbering inside her, held back by the Doctor's power, is the woman that Donna had been with him. Someday, maybe, she can become that woman again.
[point in timeline you're picking your character from]: Post-Journey's End (season 4 finale)
The Doctor (
sciencegeekchic) :: Oh, they have a past. They have such a past. Unfortunately, Donna doesn't remember any of it. Now she just knows him as the daft, silly, know-it-all man she has become strange friends with.
Rose Tyler (
sheisstilllost) :: Rose is another person Donna doesn't remember, so when she first arrived at the City and Rose knew her, she was convinced that Rose was a stalker. Despite this, they became almost friends, but then Rose left the City. Now that Rose has returned with no memories, it's Donna's turn to look like the stalker.
Keikain Yura (
keikainheir) :: Donna's on-again-off-again roommate. They aren't hugely close, but Donna thinks she's adorable.
Karolina Dean (
tofuinthesky) :: Despite a somewhat rocky start, she and Donna have bonded over the gorgeousness of David Duchovney and the awesomeness of The X-Files.
Fox Mulder (
call_me_spooky) :: Donna is firmly convinced he's David Duchovney and not Fox Mulder at all, and her stubborn persistent belief in this aggravates him to no end. Donna has developed a poorly concealed crush on him (though she's convinced nobody knows), but as to what their relationship really is, who knows? Friends? Acquaintences? Mutual irritants?
Lucy Saxon (
inbetrayal) :: Donna thinks Lucy is a crazy lady. Lucy thinks the same thing about her.
Negi (
kodomosensei :: Negi is a good friend, although Donna sometimes thinks he's a little daft. Totally adorable, though.