and that's the way she leads me

Mar 20, 2011 23:33

Gunna pimp a few links/communities to help out Japan first:

Writing For Relief

Secondly, on Spring Break which means Freedom. Sort of. Ended up volunteering for a few hours every day over the course of my few week of break somehow. Oh wells, its not too bad ... until the point I remember how much I hate kids. Also, what the hell but my PE teacher gave me a paragraph to write. For PE. This is just absurd.

On the upside, the moon yesterday was pretty awesome. Super moon is super. Apparently it won't ever be that close again for nineteen years. Guess if I die any time soon I can say I saw a super moon, lived in two different centuries, 3 different decades and some other random assortment of things.

I'll be seeing Red Riding Hood in the new few days and it looks pretty intense (and gives me an excuse to see it more then just the fact I watch anything with Amanda Seyfriend in it).

Actor for the Hunger Games series got announced a few days ago. I meant to make a post about it but never got around to it. Katniss Everdeen will be placed by Jennifer Lawrence (Winter's Bone), which comes to the point she's really not tan and blonde but apparently that won't be a problem. My friend was wondering if they planned to dye her skin colour darker too...Oh wells. I don't really give a crap as long as they don't screw the movie adaption up, I'll be happy with it. Excited to hear who might be playing Gale/Peeta/Cinna and the rest of the motley crew of Hunger Games now.

Oh, I'll also be starting in on Last Sacrifice from the Vampire Academy series and hopefully Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly if it gets to the library any time soon. Friend apparently tells me its really good.

Think that's all I've got to ramble about for now :p

Mi amore vole fe yah.

Ohye, looking for someone to beta a fic for grammar issues if any of you are up to it.
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