Nov 25, 2005 21:46
hmm.. strange week. not really but i had some really weird dreams this week. the one that i still remember is the one Kevin's in. i can't remember much anymore but i was in some race with some kind of climbing but there's like werewolves in the windows of the thing i'm climbing so i have these huge were wolves jumping out at me and i end up on the roof then fall of and die. but i was trying to show off to kevin that i could accomplish that race. it was strange. and for some reason i have another competitive race in another dream. i had to run through a maze faster than the other people then climb this dreadful tower that was 50 stories. and i remember getting to the top and nearly freaking out b/c i looked down. then i won by getting tot he top first. it was strange. then i did the race like 2 more times and won again. strange...
for some reason i feel i should be confused. like i am but not at the same time about my friend Dave and i's relationship/friendship. he won't specify what our deal is, then again he's younger than me. he doesn't know the whole dating/relationship world as i have. he's too afraid to decided b/c i think he just wants a friends with benfits kinda thing. but i don't know if i can do that. like he definately needs someone to guide him a lil but still. it's just odd. i still see him so innocently. i dunno. i do find so much comfort in him for some reason, i don't know why i'm so drawn to him. he's just really fun to be around. and i always feel so good when i hug him. ever get that feeling. like when ya hug someone even like ur mom for comfort and it's just soo, rewarding..
eh... whatever. cause........ THIS IS MY UNITED STATES OF WHATEVER!!!!