(no subject)

Apr 25, 2006 02:09

Hello, livejournal land. It's been awhile...

Let's see. What's new... my birthday was pretty good, I ended up going out to dinner with Steve and hanging out with Kate. We've been seeing each other every couple of days, it's great. I missed her so much, and I'm proud of us for staying in touch! I know it sounds so dumb, but since I've been hanging out with her and talking to other friends, I'm starting to feel like a person again. Don't ask me to explain, just trust me.

Things with the diet/exercise program for surgery have been going slowly lately, but I've gotten back on the bandwagon. I bought an elliptical machine a few weeks ago, and while it's ridiculously hard right now (because I'm so freaking out of shape! :P), it's a great workout that I can definitely see doing all the time. I'm getting more and more excited about surgery, and feeling a little more prepared every day. My case goes for insurance approval in a few weeks, so I'll let everyone know how it goes! I'm aiming for surgery to be the second or third week of June, right after spring quarter is over.

Classes are going well, I've actually gone to most of them this quarter (I know... bad, bad Hayley)! Honestly though, I've learned so much this year, and even already this quarter... I think that finals and grades will be fine when the time comes. The next few weeks will be pretty crazy, we have our final choir concert on Sunday and we are world premiering a Mass written by a local composer... it's a beautiful piece, I'm pretty excited about it. The week after that is pretty low key, but the next week is tech week for the opera... late night rehearsals every day, plus classes. It'll be alright though, then opera is that weekend... oh, while I'm thinking about it:

Gianni Schicchi (Puccini) / The Medium (Menotti)
Wright State University Department of Music
WSU Creative Arts Center, Concert Hall
May 12th & 13th at 7:30 PM
May 14th at 3:00 PM
You can buy tickets at the door, they will probably be around $10, but if you need more info or directions, lemme know. It should be a great show, Gianni Schicchi is a short comic work, and The Medium is a longer, darker story. They'll both be fantastic, oh, and they're both being sung in English, so no need to feel intimidated, lol. It would be great if people could come, I actually have a bit of a part this time around, my first solo lines in an opera!

Speaking of music, I'm pretty sure that I've decided what to do... I think I'm going to go ahead and get my BA in Vocal Performance with some other secondary concentration that is undecided as of now. For the first time, I feel really good about it, and I think it's doable. But we'll have to see. Steve and I have both made some big decisions lately, he's decided that college isn't really the place for him to be, and honestly, I agree to a certain extent. We're not exactly sure of the future right now, but we've got a few preliminary plans worked out that seem to make a lot of sense.

This is from our spring break adventure in Dalton, GA!

Anyway, that's about all... oh, I should add, congrats to Katrina and her new man!!!
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