Cole and Phoebe's House - Della Rosa - Sunday Afternoon

Feb 26, 2006 15:17

Phoebe lay on the couch where she was wrapped in not one, but two thick comforters. She had gone to work last night, but she had finally succumbed to her emotional meltdown after the attack Friday night... Saturday morning. She called and left a message with Aziraphale explaining that she wouldn't be opening the Tea Leaf today. To be honest, she was a little hesitant to leave her house at all, but she was thinking she might just hide in her home all day.

She was a mess of shaking and every time she closed her her eyes, she saw the four demons attacking her.

They would have killed her. It was the first time in a long time that so many had attacked her all at once. Usually when others had attacked, she had been with Cole and they fought together. She had been attacked by one or two demons alone before, but never by more than that. The Source was getting serious about wanting her death.

She needed to talk to someone, needed someone to come, but who could she call?

She couldn't call Tara because Tara would take one look at the bruises and the cuts and demand she go to a hospital. She couldn't call CJ because... well, CJ had a lot going on and the last thing she needed to see was her looking like this. She didn't know if she could call Jonathan about something like this. Anita... had her hands full. Crowley... bad idea there. He'd come if she needed him, but she wasn't abut to betray Cole by bringing him into their home without Cole there. Aziraphale...


If she called James, and he was able to, he'd come --- if only to check out her wounds and make sure she was okay. He'd bandage her up and tell her how to take care of the claw gouges... and she might even be able to avoid telling him why she was where she was when she got attacked.

She placed a call to James and left a voicemail for him.

Then, she curled back up on the couch, trying not to think too much about what had happened.
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