So, I was alla lalalalala CHECKING LJ, and then constance was all
DUDE, LOOK! And now I can't stop staring at her....fuckingcreeper but I dunno, I see how she COULD look like me, but I'm kinda doubting it.
Though if my life were a movie, I wouldn't object to her playing me. Nope.
OMGOGMGOGMGOGMGOGMGOGMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOG. please spazz with me, because I don't remember everything man.
I cried like a little girl, no lie. When Dumbledore died I was D: AND WHEN THE CREEPER GOLLUM THINGS GRABBED HARRY THE WHOLE THEATRE JUMPED, IT WAS LIKE GROUP SCARED! I laughed a lot. I was really disappointed with a lot of things, like the whole Tonks and Lupin already together....and like the lack of funeral, and the lack of epic battle scene....AND FUCKING FLEUR, CUZ I LIKE THE WEASLEYS OKAY.
I died when the Burrow burned down, Bellatrix wtf why so pyro-esque? I mean, don't get me wrong...she was epic, but still. I don't think they gave Cissy enough screen time, and it was just blah. I loved Harry!on luck, I ship it. I ship it hard. He should be like that all the time, every fucking day.
Man, Rupert Grint. What sexy arms you have.AND THE LACK OF RON'S SONG...BAH! Even though I think that was the fifth book? I'm not sure, I don't remember any quidditch in the 5th movie. LOL @ Luna's hat. And Luna in general. ^__^ All things Luna were approved by moi, that's for sure....dude Bonnie Wright...
I dunno. I just don't like her was like why is the GxH so hard to watch on screen, it's epically cute in the book. HOSNAP DEAN THOMAS WAS A BEAST, SNOGGIN' ON HER MHM, MHM GET IT BOY. Let's go back to talking about Ron. Yayyy! I really liked everything with him, the love!potion thing was awesome, when i fell off the sofa i lmao. No joke. I felt so bad for Hermione though ;__; which is weird, because I generally don't like that shippin' but Emma and Rupert work it.
I thought the joke shop was pretty awesome, and the creepin' on the roof was all...." wat?" For the most part I enjoyed the movie, and the changes weren't that bad, so I give it a 6/10. It's not EPIC/AMAZING/WOAHMAN, but it's a good film.