Name: Cirrus
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Timezone: Eastern Standard Time ( GMT -5hr )
Current Characters in Route: None. >:
Name: Gambler of Fate, Luxord
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Timeline: Kingdom Hearts II, just after his mission in Port Royal
Canon Resource Links:
Luxord's Wikia Affiliation: He'll become a regular Trainer.
Luxord doesn't actually have a personality, a trait shared among the Thirteenth Order. He does, however, have what can be quite amusingly referred to as a 'poker face.'
The first and foremost trait one will notice about Luxord is that he likes to speak in prose, utilizing the English language to its fullest to create wonderfully flowing sentences. He doesn't always speak in such a manner though, no. He seems to prefer speaking in such a manner when taunting targets, in moments of triumph, and whenever he's trying to flatter those around him for whatever reason have he.
The next thing one would notice about him, is that, when not speaking in prose, his words usually carry multiple meanings, and that he compares, if not speaks, as though everything were a game, and everyone was but pawns in the grand scheme of things. Albeit, his speech can be a bit curt, it's only when battle is just on the horizon. He seems to be fond of fighting, viewing it as another game. While he typically immerses himself and those around him in word games, always dancing around points for various reasons, he prefers to cut right to the chase and get right to the fight. Once said battle begins, however, it turns into another one of his elaborate games.
His sense of humor is(as seen in the KH Days manga) rather harsh. Even though he's only joking around and poking fun at others, he does so by focusing on errors or faults, elaborately taunting the target with either prose, or clever and witty remarks.
His interest in games permeates every aspect of his non-existance. He refers to everything as a game, often comparing different situations to different strategies. His mind is highly analytical, always thinking at least five steps ahead of his opponent, including considering the consequences of each possible outcome and how to use the resulting actions in his favor. He isn't always business, though. Because of his interest in games, he's quite the sociable nobody. His speech pattern is rather easy to recognize to those who've spoke with him enough though, and it's not uncommon for Luxord, while infiltrating various worlds that hold possible threats to talking directly to an enemy face, to use a more casual speech pattern. His occasional habitual use of a more advanced vocabulary could still give him away, though.
His battle style relies on defense, evasive maneuvers and counter strikes until it's come to a checkmate. Also, given his nature, it would only makes sense that this particular nobody has a fondness for passing the time with such games. Beware this manipulator if you're not on his team, as he shows a fierce loyalty towards Xemnas and his followers. As a side-note, all of his decks, save for a few, are named after the Major Arcana in the tarot decks. Those who notice or inquire would find that Luxord is somewhat superstitious, and does practice the art of reading tarot when asked, thus attributing to his alias as The Gambler of Fate.
As for his past, not much is known about Luxord, and his mannerisms can be quite confusing when it comes to guessing at his origins( thought I prefer to assume he's from Manchester, England in Port Royal when headcanon is allowed ). The only real clues he gives to others is his English accent, daring nature, fighting skills, his fighting style, and his harsh sense of humor. However, given his taste of a more formal attire, an occasional show of gentlemanly qualities(even if only for his own benefit), and his habit of having a nice brunch, a set tea time, and his sparse use of British slang, the details are conflicting, and could come about in any household.
What is known about Luxord is that when sent out on missions, the Brit is always thoroughly prepared, and focuses alternatively on small details and the large picture when assessing the best possible way to complete a task, never getting frustrated over either. He's not above using the locals and current events in a world to his advantage(as seen in KH II when seizing control of the ship that gave chase to the Black Pearl, the HMS Interceptor, to attack Sora and his group), nor is he capable of showing any remorse or hesitance when resorting to crude and cruel tactics to set the stage for success in his missions(as it's implied in KH II that Luxord murdered Will Turner's entire crew to set his plans in motion, or at least used the fact that they were killed and the local superstitions and magic concerning the gold to his advantage). He's a snake in the grass, and can easily lie in wait for the opportune moment. It is also known that Luxord is often sent out on recon missions, sent out with parties to take down large specimens of Heartless as a vital defenseman, and makes for an excellent teacher for new members. His cryptic ways seem to be a favorite among the others when it comes to teaching the newer members the ways of the Organization, as he never outright gives newcomers the answers, but he does subtly give them a mean to an answer, and lets them figure things out on their own(as in KH Days, on the mission to Wonderland. There's no doubt Luxord was making the connections, but he wasn't going to do all the work for Roxas, as it was an exercise to assess Roxas' mental and physical capabilities).
Weaponry :: Prefers the Fair Game deck, though he has a number of them
The Fool,
The Magician, The Moon,
Justice, The World,
The High Priestess,
The Tower,
The Hanged Man,
The HermitStrength,
The Lovers,
The Chariot,
The Sun,
The Empress,
The Emperor,
The Joker,
Fair Game,
Finest Fantasy 13,
High Rollers Secret Luxord controls the powerful element of time, and while this element can greatly aid him in battle, he is also severely limited in its usage. A nifty little side-effect is that, upon entering any world, he is immediately in tune with the exact time of each particular world as far as hours of the day goes. A living atomic clock, if you would. He hears no ticking in his head, but rather..he just knows it, it's seemingly instinctual.
The Gambler has the power to, indeed, slow, hasten, or stop the passage of time entirely in contained areas. The rate at which his energy is depleted will depend entirely upon the rate at which he slows or hastens the passage of time. Also, the area of which this alteration in the passage of time occurs is a powerful variant. Though Luxord's tactics can be annoying to those who prefer to rush in and be done with things, he does enjoy a good challenge, so his use of his element is typically only used sporadically to either give him more time to think and react to any given situation, or to hasten his own oncoming attacks/counter attacks. He's found that his limits to safely hastening or slowing the passage of time can range up to 4x the normal rate of passage, and time can only be altered while he is presence. If Luxord were to suddenly leave for whatever reason, the alteration in the field of time would instantly drop.
When it comes to stopping time all together, it's proven to be quite a tiresome task, though it can come in handy if he's ever in a tight situation. He can safely stop time for up to five minutes in a small room. If he leaves, though, time will instantly resume. Any longer and Luxord risks severe fatigue, followed then by blacking out. His body seems to have a fail safe, and will, unless he forces himself, resume time on its own(think survival instinct). For those whom time has stopped for, they will be unable to move, and unaware that they are caught in a paused state of time. Only when time resumes and everything is suddenly out of place, will they notice.
Luxord's cards seem to be made up of darkness like the other member's weapons, however, they have the unique ability to alter their consistency and density for combat purposes. Typically, Luxord's cards have an almost metallic quality to them, being as unyielding as diamonds, but they can be as pliable as regulation cards, and the edges of the cards can be altered to have either razor or blunt edges depending on whether they're used as weapons or as shields. The size of the cards can vary upon summoning based on what Luxord needs. However, there are restraints with this, as well. He has the ability to be drawn into his own cards, and is capable of freely jumping between each card. He can also trap others within a card at will, and as seen in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, one of Luxord's finishing moves is the ability to turn his cards into, essentially, grenades.
Luxord's specialty in battle is that of crowd control and defense. His main means of offense is via counterattack, though he can occasionally get in a good sucker-punch with his cards, or even his fists if necessary( he's a decent melee fighter. He's not very fast, but he can pack a srsbsns punch. When using his hands, he's a brawler ). Therefore, it's highly recommended that Luxord have a good offense fighter to aid him.
As for his mental strengths, Luxord's true skill lies within his near mastery of the English language. His prose can dazzle opponents and members of the organization alike, and often hold more than one meaning. This is because, should Luxord's words be used against him, he can always claim that there was a misinterpretation of his statements, and thus be relieved of most, if not all, accusations. Likewise, he constantly analyzes everything. It's a gambler's habit to do so, and as such, he's sometimes suspicious of other's actions, but he rarely voices his concerns until he has reason to believe they will hinder the Organization's efforts. Plus, he usually doesn't care to stick his nose in other people's business. If it doesn't involve him, he'll likely just watch the events unfold with what could be interpreted as the ghost of amusement, occasionally placing bets on the outcomes with those who are also aware of the hidden schemes.
As a gambler, as noted before, Luxord's skills of manipulation rivals that of Saix's, and though the Gambler seems frustrated at times due to lack of information coming his way, he has no desire to aspire to higher ranks. Thus his skills are usually put to use for either the good of the Organization, or for his own gain in the form of munnies, information, and the acquisition of information for other Organization members. Often times, he can easily direct an entire conversation, and has been known, on occasion, to subtly introduce ideas into another's mind to influence them into doing this or that. Sly brit is sly. Definitely not a nobody you'd want to invoke the artificial wrath of.
Luxord's weakness, like his strength, lies within time. He absolutely can not afford to push himself too far. Out of all of the nobodies, Luxord is the most at risk of fading when trying to over exert himself in any given situation, thus he must be cautious and careful about manipulating time to any degree, and how often he does so. This is because of the sheer amount of energy it takes to warp something as abstract and impalpable as time. Luxord can not, under any circumstance, reverse the passage of time. What's done is done, and attempting to do so could easily become fatal.
His cards can also be another one of his downfalls. He has an excellent defense, and can use his cards in sudden bursts to throw enemies back, but offense is difficult, and he's almost vulnerable in battles against ranged opponents such as Xigbar or Xaldin. Luxord also relies on his stamina in fights. He can last quite a while in a battle, thus he depends on the ability to out-last an opponent and be able to take a good beating until they grow too tired to pick them off at the end. Luxord can be easily overcome by playing his waiting games patiently and out-lasting his efforts to tire them, thus being the one to come in and deal the final blow, especially if they used ranged weapons or attacks that Luxord can't counter.
As far as his faults in 'personality' go, Luxord's habit of turning everything into a game sometimes leads to dangerous actions, as he's prone to, just to break routine and get a rush of adrenaline, take the chance and go for something at times. This usually manifests in small games he starts up with others, be it a drinking game, a challenge, or a good bet on various activities..none of which he can refuse. The higher the stakes and the harder it is to predict, the more appealing it is to him.
Starter: A male Growlithe that's on the large size for the species, though it's nothing abnormal. He's got an abundance of energy, but after a good run of sniffing around and chasing small pokémon to burn off energy. Growlithe is still young though, and has a tendency to wander, but he's good at obeying.