[ So here you have Luxord, sitting at a table, fully dressed in
this. A Growlithe was sitting at his heels as he enjoyed a plate of pancakes in syrup and a glass of orange juice. He looked utterly annoyed, though a bit curious. Despite the FUCKING COLD. AS. SHIT weather outside, he attended the ceremony outside and was given a basic briefing on his surroundings. After coming inside once more, his 'mother' made a nice breakfast for him, letting him linger here for a few hours until the temperature reached the projected high for the day.
In the mean time, he was fiddling with the PokéGear ardently, figuring it out since he was incapable of summoning his weapons and darkness, and couldn't alter time. ] Hm..
[ He looked down at the Growlithe putting his paws on the Gambler's lap. A very stern 'no' was heard and the pup sat back down, wagging his tail. ] I'll wager my presence here has little to do with one of my co-worker's projects gone awry given the locals expect me to travel across the country, collecting creatures with which to conduct cockfights?
Oh now, I don't think my stay here shall be all that bad. Though, I dare ask whether or not I'm the only one capable of utilizing...magic.
[ His bag was packed and sitting against the couch across the room; the camera had been sitting on the breakfast table the whole time at an angle to capture more than just himself. He'd later pack extra provisions like a smart person would do. ]