Dramatic reading music, again. Recorded on a tape recorder, an unmarked cassette tape. It begins with 3 seconds of complete silence.]
I guess I'm back here. Again...
While I was gone, I visited New York. Big Shell was gone. Honestly, I wasn't that surprised. I found out everything Raiden had told me was true and it had happened in 2009. What's disturbing is that I was here on April 29th, 2009. So was Snake. So was Dr. Emmerich. So was Adamska. So was Raiden.
[There's a long pause.]
It sounds so stupid, I know. If time travel is possible, are alternate universes plausible? Maybe it's something worth asking Bob. It sure would explain a lot.
[A quiet sigh.] Zero's still missing, of course. I'm not going to give up. I know that wherever he is, he's not doing well. The AIs are the problem, now. But I can't do this on my own. [And the tape ends abruptly there.]
[Someone is going to pretend she didn't disappear for a month or two.]
Keeping up with the library has been a real hassle since Ocelot left. I'd really appreciate some help. Any volunteers?