
Apr 04, 2005 16:17

wOw wOw wOw.. Let me teLL yOu abOut this weekend --> iight sO friday DC piCked me up at my hOuse arOund 720. We met CJ at Giant EagLe to get mOney for aLcohOl. Headed tO FunkstOwn cuz smart guy Gayon said that Roxy's was in FunkstOwn. Drivin arOund that shit for like 15 mins.. cOuldnt find out. Ok so then i was like what the hell.. Roxy's is beside fOod LiOn on WiLsOn!! Mannnn sO GayOn says he's done been there and left.. sO we had no alcOhOl! Went tO PiCk up Renata & then gOt GreyLer. Drove arOund forever tryin to find some shit. Finally Adam came through for us and got his mom to help us out. Shes great.. Ok so nOw the party begins! (10:00) Mann it was rainin and shit.. we went tO taCo beLL, freakin DC dancin in the rain was tOo funny! Headed to the Meninite SchOol to chill. Crazy times! GOod Times at Giant EagLe thO!! Renata was kiLLin me, My ass is On the phOne tryin tO help GabrieLLe out with her prObLems and Renatas cOol ass is thrOwing bags Of ChiPs dOwn the isLe! Then she pickin out candy n drOppin em on the floor talkin abOut.. get this get these mm these are bangin get these.. haha! Then she had the bleach and through it at GreyLer and said WASH YASELF! I was DONE!! Went tO take Renata hOme then i went with GreyLer tO Buddy's hOuse. GreyLer fOund me a ride tO where CarLee was babysitting at. Mikey scOoped us up. Got out there @ like 2:30. Freddie, Cj, Kevin Shadai and Quielan were all there. Got there and all kinda crazy shit went dOwn. Q wanna play a cute April Fools Joke.. hmm yeah and look where it gOt us! End of the night.. cried, ran around outside in the rain, had a knife in my hand.. watch out guys, im kinda dangerious! lol.. Had a heart to heart with him up stairs, it was bad at first went frOm fighting tO just talkin things out. Had tO leave cuz the ppl Car was babysittin for came home. Her rents were heated so me and shadai couldnt stay with her. So Kevin met us at shadais hOuse and we stayed at Quielans. Started talkin again, finally went to bed at like 4:3O~5:OO. Got up the next mOrn at 8:45, cause me and DC got them Community Service hours taken care of at schOol for the Wrestling Match. Help out Coach by doing Brakets. Left there at like 12:3O. Went tO her hOuse ate.. tOre them lil sausage things up right DC? lol.. Chilled there all day, gOt ready and was out by 5:3O. gOt GreyLer and headed tO CiCi's. Went and gOt Renata.. nOw its bOut tO get Crazy!! haha.. Listen tO this shit --> Drove arOUnd w. absoLutLy nOthing to dO.. went tO the maLL.. GreyLer seen sOme of his ppls.. then we left *FUN NIGHT* Me n DC stayed at Donnies. That night was FabOLoUs!! Crazy shit went dOwn, and i lOved every minuet Of iT! Right DC! FuCkin *G* !! Me rOckin in the bathrOom cuz u had me Laughin sO hard! Oh Geez.. FeLL asLeep at like 5:30. wOke up with nO hangOver - sO ExCited!! ChiLLed there with them when they played PS2.. Eddie and Me left and went to NicOles house. Waited on her to get ready then he tOok me hOme. Got there and ate and watCh tv all day. FinaLLy hOme last night aroUnd 8:00. Talked on here.. gOt shit settled on here with me and QuieLan. fOr yaLL nOsey ppL, we are just friendz nOw --> best friends, if you want to knOw. We decided to end up things fOr our own reasOns, whiCh will remain nameless! But yeah, everythings gOod, nothins changing, cept that we aint "sOmething" anymOre. And aint nOthin wrOng with that, cus we always been tiight, n thats hOw its gonna stay! Any whO.. heLped him out with a situation with him and this other DUCK, he was on his immature shit but Q you dOnt need that. Make yOur Own DeCisiOns -- gOt ina argument with JLew - hOpe he really aint mad at me.. oOps! Did KTB's prOfiLe and then it was a NiGht fOr Me! gOt sOme mUCh NeEded sLeep. I figured oUt that i gOt like 10 hOurs of sLeEp this WeEkend. yEah cOol ShiT RiGhT! siKe -- tOday schOol was sO damn sLow!! Had a test first mOd.. wOw, gOnna FaiL. Laughed it Up like the nOrmaL with Tia and GQ. SecOnd mOd, switched over to Coach Mac's cLass. Hes a special guy - i teLL ya! lol.. Third mOd, ChiLLed, didnt dO SHIT. fOurth mOd, way behind frOm missin class 2 days in a rOw, but what the heLL. After schOol walked hOme with QuieLaree'. DunnO what im getting intO tOnight but hOpefuLLy i can gO see him for a minuet. ;) wAiting On dad tO take me dOwntOwn to the Drivin SchOol and sCeduLe my hOurs and get that shit dOne. So i can get the Ls in a few weeks. cOulda been had them March 4th, but.. ppl at my Old driving schOol wanna be FUCK UPS. But any way, bOut to get off here and go eat so here is ya update! cOmment iF yOu wAnna --> PeaCe*


GreyLer --> gOnna MiSs yOu!! Be SaFe_
DanieLLe --> Crazy aSs wEekend, but whats new!
Renata --> lol no wOrds..
CJ-Freddie --> waTCh Out..MiGhT StaB ur aSs!
QuieLan --> Always here nO matter what! <3 yaz
DoNnie --> FabuLous time Saturday! Caught up on mIssed tIme!
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