There has been a problem with a rhythmic thumping sound in regards to our section. It has been a problem for over a week now, and I thought that the situation would rectify itself.
However, it has persisted and the sounds can be heard in the GHD room, the section over from ours.
So what I'm asking is that if you are the one partaking in these rhythmic motions (intercourse!!!!) please either take it elsewhere or pull the bed from wall, throw your mattress on the floor, or something to the effect that my GHD doesn't hear the sounds again!
Thanks for reading the email, and p.s. it is probably someone on the kitchen side of the hall! So please be courteous to your neighbors and take it down a notch or five.
Your RA
Haha, I love college.
And boo, I know you don't read this, but if you do, I miss you a lot. Can't wait to hug you this Friday. <3