Title: The Darkest Hour
Author: apocalypse_chan
Fandom: Wolf's Rain
Type: slight shounen-ai
Pairing: Tsume+Toboe
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Wolf's Rain is the property of Bandai.
Challenge: 2am
Notes: About 30-40 minutes writing.
It’s late - somewhere between night and morning, where the sky is inky black, deep enough to lose yourself in. It’s cold as well, and you can’t sleep.
It’s been a long day and you should be asleep by now - all the others are asleep, Hige out like a light - but you’re too tired to sleep by now, and it’s too cold, and the ground is too uncomfortable. So you toss and turn and sigh and try not to be too loud because Tsume’s a very light sleeper and you don’t want to make him angry.
You look up at the vast, empty sky and think about the time when there was a ceiling, a warm fire and someone who loved you. You can almost see the pattern the flickering flames make on the ceiling, but it’s just the trick of the light on a tired mind. And part of you wishes you were back there, before everything started spiralling out of control - just look where you are now. Before you’d heard of Paradise and flower girls, before you’d met a strange group of wolves and somehow, inexplicably, become entangled in this.
But part of you is strangely glad you’re here. Even when you fall behind and they yell at you to catch up, even when you’re scared and afraid, even when it’s cold and dark and you’re the only one awake.
Because you feel like you belong, perhaps.
‘You’re still awake.’
You squeak in surprise when Tsume speaks, and you know it’s not a question, but still you state the obvious with a whispered ‘yes’. He looks at you for a long moment.
‘We need you to sleep, otherwise you’ll be too tired to travel tomorrow and hold us back.’
While you’re searching your mind for a suitable response, he pulls your body close to his. ‘You’re cold.’
And you are, and he’s warm, and it’s late. And you can feel his heart beating and hear him breathing, and slowly, slowly, you're falling asleep.