Mar 04, 2008 21:12
arianna prissy amherst college bitch gave me some sob story about paying off her loans this semester as reason for not fronting me 5.50 on the cable bill even though i don't watch the tv and she always does. the stupid girl makes me want to scream SCREAM SO HARD! i had a violent daydream about her. i don't think i have intimately hated someone so much ever. i want to feel the contact between my fist and her face. i've lived on my own for four years and have been paying loans for eight semesters and don't watch the tv. but i had to pay $11 extra, $11 i don't fucking have. the girl is so self-absorbed all i have to do is say "hello" to her and she just starts off with no greeting just telling some rant about working at chili's or her lame ass boyfriend like i care, like i didn't have a totally more stressful day with things like pending court cases and interrogations from detectives and 3 meetings and homework. i wish she'd shut up, turn off her tv and wash her fucking dishes.
someone please adopt me. i hate hating my housemates. i can't seem to figure out housing quick enough.