Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm home over break. My house is a weird place to live. Really weird.
We were playing Halo yesterday, and I actually did something useful (Team capture the flag game). It was completely by accident. I killed one of my opponents. My brother, who was on my team, responded by saying "If I was into gay incest, I'd kiss you." Ahh, it's good to be home.
And now my sister is molesting my computer. And force feeding me air. I have a special family.
~*~ Two hours later ~*~
Went and fooded dead bird with family. Twas exciting.
You're GIR. You have no purpose in life other than
insanity and comic relief. But it's okay, we
love you anyway. "WHYYYY?! Why my
piggie?! I loveded you piggie! I loveded
Quiz of Doooooooom!brought to you by
Quizilla I'm GIR! ^_^ I'm gonna sing the doom song now! Doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom!
Parentals offered to pay the dues if I joined Xi Chi. So that pretty much settles it; I'll be joining. I may or may not live in section next year - that's still up in the air - but I will join. Sam made a good point about dues on the bus to the airport anyway. They don't go towards stuff that happens in section, they go towards rush events, formal, etc.
Still need to figure out what to do with the money I got this summer. Need to talk over options with male parental unit later tonight. But first, StarCraft!