Nov 01, 2012 12:11
Happy New Years to all you of the paganic persuasion. (That might not actually be a word. Um. Yeah.)
I managed to make it to work today, and am able to get caught up on a few things. But it's been a long power out at home since the storm. There's no major direct damage to the home that I've been able to find, but it's been cold and no power, so hard to crawl around every nook and cranny to be certain. A large (50+ foot) pine came down in the back, but did not appear to hit anything or anyone. And we had to take out the tree next to the house, because it was leaning on the power/cable/phone lines enough to make me nervous they might snap.
But despite the lack of power, we persevered on. The kids, well, they have the big challenge because they don't really know life without electricity too well. Going to have to fix that. They adjusted, if a bit begrudgingly. Otherwise, we don't have heat either, and it's been getting a bit colder each day. So, scary, but there's hope that soon we'll have some power. We had some for a bout 10 minutes yesterday, and a test call just reached my answering machine. Now if the power just keeps up, we'll be in good shape.
Time to try and get the house and life back into shape. Still need gas in the car, and the lines for gas remind me of the gar crisis in the 70s. Not so many fist fights, but there seem to be cops at most of the working gas stations.
Otherwise, that's my status. Hope to have enough left in me soon to get back to writing. Worrying about things like power and heat and food, boy they take a lot out of you don't they?