Books Read
1. Tortall and Other Lands: A Collection of Tales by Tamora Pierce (
my review)
2. Calamity Jack by Shannon Hale (
my review)
3. Ptolemy's Gate by Jonathan Stroud (
my review)
4. Star Crossed by Elizabeth C. Bunce (
my review)
5. The Ring of Solomon by Jonathan Stroud (
my review)
6. Serenity: The Shepard's Tale by Joss and Zack Whedon (
my review)
7. The Guild by Felicia Day (
my review)
8. River Marked by Patricia Briggs (
my review)
9. Glimpses by Lynn Flewelling (
my review)
10. The Ask and the Answer by Patrick Ness (
my review)
Shortest book: 56 pages
Longest book: 544 pages
Average number of pages: 291.8
Total pages: 2918
Rereads: 0
New books: 10
Books: 7
Audiobooks: 3
Most popular rating: 4 and a half stars (for times)
Average rating: 4.35
Favorite book: The Guild and Ptolemy's Gate
Biggest Disappointment: Tortall and Other Lands (not a bad book, but I expected more)
Phew. After two months of pulling out so-so numbers, I'm finally out of my reading rut. It's interesting that it took reading less conventional formats (short story collections, graphic novels) to do so. All and all it was a good month for reading, and it was a good month in real life too. First off, it stopped snowing. Well, not completely. We had a few snow showers in April (and on big storm on April Fools day), but it's been nice and sunny for a while. But that's not the big news. Tanner and I have moved into a new apartment and it really feels like our first place. You walk inside, you see our stuff, not our stuff squished inbetween the possessions of people that were already living here. We still have a roommate, but she's almost never here (doesn't even sleep here half the time) and will be moving out in a few months anyway. We're still in "new apartment mode," meaning that everything is still perfectly neat and organized and our sloppy natures haven't taken over yet. We're hoping to keep it this way as long as possible. Money is going to be tight for a while as we've picked up a couple new bills, but I suspect that we'll be able to manage as long as we remain frugal.
Due to the business, I've fallen a bit behind on my blogging, but I suspect I'll be caught up soon!