#56 The Farthest Shore by Ursula K. LeGuin

Jun 27, 2010 21:36

The unthinkable has happened in Earthsea. People are losing their magic. The young prince Arren asks Ged, now The Archmage, to help
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fantasy, year published: 1972, young adult, ursula k. leguin, four stars, the earthsea cycle

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Comments 4

calico_reaction June 28 2010, 02:14:40 UTC
I wondered if you'd finish the challenge! This was the hardest book to review, I thought, due to the heavy nature of its story. I plan on reading the next three (I've got book four, and five and six are on their way), but I've been giving myself a little space since I've heard that TEHANU is so darn different from the first three books.

My review for FARTHEST SHORE is here: http://calico-reaction.livejournal.com/174679.html


temporaryworlds June 28 2010, 13:53:41 UTC
Phew. I wondered if I'd finish it too. Don't get me wrong, these books are great but June has been a really busy month! I also have book four on my shelf, but don't plan on picking it up right away. Got enough on my plate next month with Vatta's War :).

Nice review. I found it impressive that you mark your books with sticky notes/tabs. Now that's devotion :)


calico_reaction June 28 2010, 23:23:40 UTC
I'll forget the observation/irritation/like otherwise. :)

Oh, I need to email you about something!


temporaryworlds June 29 2010, 13:08:46 UTC
Checking e-mail...


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