Monthly Reflections: December 2009

Dec 31, 2009 16:22

Books I read
1. Shadowfae by Erica Hayes ( my review)
2. Heat Wave by Richard Castle ( my review)
3. Tender Morsels by Margo Lanagan ( my review)
4. The Taste of Night by Vicki Pettersson ( my review)
5. The Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause ( my review)
6. Snow White and Rose Red by Patricia C Wrede ( my review)
7. Made to be Broken by Kelley Armstrong ( my review)
8. Mercy Thompson: Homecoming by Patricia Briggs ( my review)
9. Frostbitten by Kelley Armstrong ( my review)
10. Blood Lite Edited by Kevin J Anderson ( my review)

Shortest book: 112 pages
Longest book: 468 pages
Average number of pages: 310.1 pages
Total pages: 3101 pages

Re-reads: 0
New books: 10

Most popular rating: 4 stars (five times)
Average Rating: 4.15

Favorite book: Tender Morsels
Biggest disappointment: Blood Lite

At the beginning of the month, I was buried in final papers for school. Once the semester ended, I had one goal in mind: read read read! I really wanted to catch up on those books that had been put aside when I was in school, and I wanted to reach my goal of 100 books for the year. I managed to not only read that goal but surpass it. As of the 29th of December, I have read 102 books for the year, meeting one of my new years resolutions. I also took a shining to the fairy tale Snow White and Rose Red, reading two interpretations. It was also a big month for Kelley Armstrong, as I read two of her novels and one short story. I am now officially caught up with all of her books (not short fiction). That is, at least until Angelic comes out next month :).

Expect to see more end of the year content coming up today as tomorrow, as well as my goals for 2010!

monthly reflections

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