Monthly Reflections: November 2009

Dec 01, 2009 21:54

1. Shade's Children by Garth Nix ( my review)
2. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling ( my review)
3. Death's Daughter by Amber Benson ( my review)
4. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling ( my review)
5. Thirsty by M.T. Anderson ( my review)
6. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling ( my review)

Shortest book: 256 pages
Longest book: 870 pages (yikes!)
Average number of pages: 539 pages
Total pages: 3239

Re-reads: 3
New books: 3

Most popular rating: 4 and a half stars (twice) and four stars (also twice)
Average Rating: 3.66

Favorite book: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Biggest disappointment: Death's Daughter

Much of November was spent finishing off the last three (giant) books of the Harry Potter series. In order to counterbalance the sheer weight of HP, I read a few shorter books in between. For a while, I was beginning to worry about those shorter books as the first book I read (Shade's Children) was very meh, and Death's Daughter was a disappointment for me. I was beginning to worry that November was a cursed month for non-Harry Potter reads. Fortunately, Thirsty broke that trend and I felt as if I was in a positive place book-wise again.

December will be a strange month. The next two weeks are my last two weeks of the semester. This means that any reading I get done will be slower than I'd like (in the past three days, I haven't even read 100 pages of Shadowfae, despite it being a decent read. It's a good thing that sucker is short), as I'm buried in papers and end of the semester work. Once these two weeks are over, I'll be on winter break, which means plenty of time to read, read, read! I'm looking forward to that.

monthly reflections

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