Library Run: 07/11/09 (plus recent buys)

Jul 11, 2009 11:28

From the Lewiston Library

Cybele's Secret- Juliet Marillier ( my review- 07/30/09)
In the Forests of Serre- Patricia A McKillip
Mystic and Rider- Sharon Shinn

Living with the Dead- Kelley Armstrong ( my review- 07/13/09)
Men of the Otherworld- Kelley Armstrong ( my review- 07/16/09)

I swear, they're birthday gifts.... just for me! A little early! Not even that early either (the big day is 07/31). Okay, I suck. Working on completely my Kelley Armstrong collection. All I'm missing is Made to be Broken.

Reviews for Living with the Dead, and Wildwood Dancing coming up!

patricia a mckillip, library run, kelley armstrong, juliet marillier, sharon shinn

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