Sunday Post: 05/12/13

May 12, 2013 12:00

Here's What You Might Have Missed Last Week
Monday- MOVIE REVIEW: Iron Man 3 (2013)
Thursday- AUDIOBOOK REVIEW: The Magician's Guild by Trudi Canavan

Here's What's Coming Up This Week
Monday- AUDIOBOOK REVIEW: Glamour in Glass by Mary Robinette Kowal
Wednesday- BOOK REIVEW: Kitty Rocks the House by Carrie Vaughn
Friday- NOVELLA REVIEW: Gods of Risk by James SA Corey

Also, I started a brand new blog over on wordpress. I'm calling it Picking up the Pen and it's a writing based blog that I hope to use to share what I learn as a writer in my quest to go from amateur to published, as well as a way to connect with other writers. My first post, where I introduce the blog and talk about what I've accomplished so far this year, can be found here. I still plan up updating temporaryworlds here on LJ for as long as I can.

As a side note, wordpress is very different from LJ!

sunday post

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