Neat Book Related Things that Happened this Week

Dec 07, 2008 10:24

Or maybe I should say last week as it is Sunday? Anyway-

-Tamora Pierce's Q&A from DragonCon (scroll down to the third paragraph)- Great insight into Tammy's work and a nice sneak preview of her upcoming books. Her website (link above) has also recently updated with everything she's tentatively planning on publishing until 2013. Looks like there's a lot of great stuff coming up.

-Jacqueline Carey updated her website with links to the plot summaries of her upcoming books: Santa Olivia in May 2009, and Naamah's Kiss in June 2009. Naamah's Kiss is the start to her next trilogy in Terre D'ange, taking place several generations after
Kushiel's Mercy. It looks different than Phedre and Imriels books, but still good. Santa Olivia is just something completely different. Superheroes and werewolves? Works for me! Can't wait to see the cover art :)

-Bookslut has been updated. Their ya/teen column, booksult in training has a particulary nice article on reccomended reading for the Holidays. I know I'll be adding Season of Ice to my wishlist. Also, interesting to see that people are still talking about Empress of the World. I remember when that was published when I was in high school (2001), and I remember being a little surprised seeing that (along with Annie on my Mind) on the library shelves where I worked. There was NOT a lot of YA lit the focused on homosexuality at my library, and it's not like we were stick in the mud conservative (I lived in Massachusetts for crying out loud). Sure, there were books with secondary characters that were gay (Hard Love is the first one that comes to mind), but few books focused on a lesbian/gay relationships. I'm ashamed to say that I've never read Empress of the World, or Annie on My Mind, but Hard Love was a really memorable read. It reminded me of Stargirl (unique girl changes young man's view of life) for an older audience.

-Kelley Armstrong's website has also been updated with her Holiday Journal Entry. She's included sample chapters for future books, the cover for Frostbitten (which I don't really like), and other interesting news.

-In book-related news. I have finished my first graduate school class on being a Young Adult Librarian. I am terrified, TERRIFIED of what my grade will be.

neat book related things

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