Title: Etiquette and Espionage
Gail CarrigerAudiobook Narrator: Moira Quirk
Finishing School Fourteen year old Sophronia is far from a proper young lady. She would rather spend her days taking clocks apart than worrying about fancy clothes. So when she's offered a chance to attend a prestigious Finishing School, Sophronia's mother jumps at the opportunity. Little do they know, Mademoiselle Geraldine's Finishing Academy for Young Ladies of Quality is not your typical school. Alongside learning how to curtsy properly, Sophronia will acquire the skills required to become a first rate spy. But in a school for both etiquette and espionage, everyone seems to have a secret.
I picked up the audiobook of Etiquette and Espionage as a result of enjoying Carriger's adult series, The Parasol Protectorate. As a fan of her adult work, I found reading Etiquette and Espionage to be quite a treat. Not only is it a delightful little read, but it possesses appearances by key characters from the Parasol Protectorate series. Fans of her previous series might be a little disappointed that romance is de-emphasized in this novel. Given the young age of her protagonist, the sexy stuff is nonexistent, and the love story is mainly expressed through romantic tension. This didn't bother me that much, as I've always enjoyed Carriger's work more for her steampunk and paranormal elements, both which can be found here. If you haven't read Carriger's adult work, do not fear! You don't have to be familiar with the Parasol Protectorate to understand anything in Etiquette and Espionage. It is, after all, a prequel series.
One of the things I liked about the Parasol Protectorate series was getting to see what steampunk elements would show up in each book. We see this in Etiquette and Espionage with the school itself (a floating series of connected dirigibles) as well as it's servants (mechanical maids and butlers). Thanks to the emphasis on school life, Etiquette and Espionage often feels like a steampunk Harry Potter. Granted, in this world Harry would be punished not for sneaking out of Gryffindor tower at night, but for not being sneaky enough in his illicit activities. I loved meeting the colorful cast of professors, as well as the students. The sequence where Sophronia was first lead around the School had me laughing out loud several times. Speaking of humor, Carriger is really at her best here. Etiquette and Espionage is filled with funny little moments that can be found in it's dialogue, plot developments, and even chapter titles.
Thoughts on the Audiobook: This is my first time experiencing a Gail Carriger Book as an audiobook, and I quite enjoyed it. I've heard some complaints from other readers that Moira Quirk does not pronounce certain names the same way that the narrator for Alexia's books did. This didn't really bother me as I haven't listened to those versions, but keep this in mind if you've experienced her previous books through audio. I thought Quirk handled the humorous tone of the book impressively. She also crafted a nice variety of voices for our cast.
Final Thoughts: If you liked The Parasol Protectoate Series, I would recommend giving Etiquette and Espoinage a try. Even if you haven't read the series and just want to check out a fun steampunk series, then this might be a good selection for you as well. I really enjoyed the humorous atmosphere of the book, as well as the neat steampunk gadgetry. I will be reading the sequel when it comes out November of 2013. Four and a Half Stars