Sunday Post: 01/13/13

Jan 13, 2013 12:00

Here's What You Might Have Missed Last Week
Monday- MONDAY MOVIE REVIEW: Django Unchained
Wednesday- 2013 Goals (and 2012 Results)
Friday- BOOK REVIEW: Casket of Souls by Lynn Flewelling

Here's What's Coming Up This Week
Monday- NOVELLA REVIEW: Amityville Horrible by Kelley Armstron
Tuesday- BOOK REVIEW: Old Man's War by John Scalzi
Thursday- AUDIOBOOK REVIEW: The Map of the Sky by Felix J Palma
Friday- GRAPHIC NOVEL REVIEW: Fables, vol 12: The Dark Ages by Bill Willingham

This Weeks Bookish Offerings from the Internet
i09- All the Essential Science Fiction and Fantasy Books that are Coming in 2013
Be prepared to add many books to your wishlist!

sunday post

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