#30 Turn Coat by Jim Butcher

Apr 15, 2009 18:34

Possible Spoilers for previous books in The Dresden Files, so there's a cut:

What do you do when the person who’s made your life absolutely miserable ends up on your doorstep, bloody and wounded, claiming that he’s been falsely accused of murder, and is asking you for help? If you’re Harry Dresden, you do the right thing. You help him.

Harry is certainly not Warden Morgan’s biggest fan, but he knows that it would go completely against his nature to kill a member of the White Council. So he takes on the case, knowing and that if the Council discovers that he is hiding the fugitive, that the consequences could be dire. Even with the help of his apprentice Molly, his dog Mouse, and brother, White Court Vampire Thomas, this will not be an easy investigation for Harry. He’s on a tight schedule and there’s a powerful creature called a skinwalker that’s after him. To solve the mystery and protect Morgan, Harry, once again, will have to be at the top of his game, pushing himself to use powerful magic that may have deadly results.

Turn Coat is the eleventh novel in The Dresden Files. What amazes me the most about this series is the fact that usually by the time you get this deep into a series, it does one of two things. One is it can get both repetitive and dull. To the reader, most of the spark is gone and the author just seems to be churning out book after book to satisfy fan demand, or their bank account. Either that or it’s the series has become so far removed from the original mission statement, the characters so skewed beyond their attractive beginnings, that the books are close to unreadable. The Dresden Files does not fall into either these traps. Each story manages to be exciting and surprising, without seeming rushed and contrived, and characters continue to grow and develop in satisfying (and sometimes disturbing) ways. Turn Coat may be book eleven, but Butcher is still at the top of his game, and not showing any signs of running out of steam anytime soon.

I enjoyed Turn Coat about as much as the previous book in the series, Small Favor. It was well paced, and filled with magic that could be both interesting and amusing (he does a spell with silly string this time). It was great to see the return of old characters, such as the ones listed above, as well as Murphy, Billy the Werewolf, Anastasia Luccio, and the members of the senior council. I was happy to see the so far mysterious Native American wizard Listens-to-the-Wind in action, as well as getting to witness a different side to the Merlin, and Morgan. By the time I reached the end of Turn Coat, I was sad to see it end. It’s going to be frustrating waiting an entire year for the next book, but I guess if other fans can do it, I can be tough too!

Rating: five out of five stars
Length: 420 pages
Source: borrowed from Tanner
TBR Pile: 148 books
Similar Books: The Hollow’s Series by Kim Harrison, the Women of the Underworld Series by Kelley Armstrong
Other books I've read by this author: Storm Front, Fool Moon, Grave Peril, Summer Knight ( my review), Death Masks ( my review), Blood Rites ( my review), Dead Beat (my review), Proven Guilty (my review), White Night ( my review), and Small Favor ( my review)

xposted to bookish and temporaryworlds 

vampires, the dresden files, year published: 2009, urban fantasy, wizards, five stars, jim butcher, paranormal fantasy, werewolves

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