Title: Legion
Brandon SandersonAudiobook Narrator: Oliver Wyman
Stephen Leeds (also known as Legion) has a unique ability. He has created several personalities (or aspects) that exist independent from him, but only he can see. These personalities all come with their own set of unique skills (foreign language, combat training, etc.) that he can utilize at will. He uses these skills to take on specialized cases for a very high fee. Then a woman comes to his office asking to help him track down Balubal Razon, who has invented a camera that he claims can do the impossible, take a picture of the past.
I picked the audio version of Legion for two reasons. One is that I enjoyed Sanderson's Mistborn. The other is that it was (and still is as of 12/05/12) available for free on audible.com. Legion is a much different read than Mistborn. Not only is it a short read (the audiobook is just over two hours long), but it's contemporary setting has more in common with urban fantasy works like the Dresden Files. Much like The Dresden Files, Legion has a bit of a Noir flare to it (a strange woman comes to our detective with a case that could cost him his life), along with supernatural elements. I found I really liked the idea of aspects, and the fact that Sanderson never really answers the question as to whether the aspects are real or just hallucinations of the protagonist. This is fitting given the religious storyline the novella dives into, which questions what is real, and what is myth.
One interesting thing about Legion is it feels a bit more like a set up for a series than a standalone novella. There are important character lines that are left unresolved by the end of the story, which makes me wonder if Sanderson is considering writing more in this world. If is he is, I would certainty consider picking it up. If I were to assign Legion a flaw is that it can feel a little rushed, especially near the end. But still, it's a fun read and certainly worth the price of free!
Thoughts on the Audiobook: Perhaps it's because it's been a little while since I've listened to the audiobook, but I didn't find the narrator's (Oliver Wyman) performance to be all that memorable. Don't get me wrong, I think it did an okay job, but not anything overly impressive.
Final thoughts: Legion is a quick fun urban fantasy story with just a touch of noir. The concepts and characters in this short tale are fascinating, and I found myself wanting more. Although the story could feel rushed I still found it to be enjoyable on a whole. I hope Sanderson decides to write more in this universe. Four Stars
Next I will be Reviewing The Killing Moon by NK Jemisin