#45 Timeless by Gail Carriger

May 19, 2012 18:36

This review has spoilers for previous books in the Parasol Protectorate Series. There are no spoilers for Timeless. 

Alexia Tarabotti has finally settled down to a normal life, or at least as normal as you can get when you’re married to a werewolf, living in a vampire’s second best closet, and have recently given birth to a daughter who can to steal paranormal attributes with just a touch. Then Alexia receives an invitation from Matakara, the Queen of the Alexandria Vampire Hive. She has decided that she wants to meet Prudence, Alexia and Conall’s daughter. Alexia cautiously agrees, sending her on an adventure to Egypt with a supernatural entourage.

Timeless is the fifth and final book in Gail Carriger’s Parasol Protectorate Series, and also the one that took me the longest to read. Fortunately, this had less to do with the quality of the book (it does feel a bit scattered in the beginning, but things become more streamlined once Alexia decides to head to Egypt), and more to do with the fact that my reading time was so limited in the beginning of this month. One thing that really struck me while reading Timeless is how much this universe has expanded from what was basically a werewolf romance story with some steampunk elements at the beginning. Now the world of the Parasol Protectorate series is filled with steampunk gadgetry, various supernatural individuals, quirky actors, deadly parasols, and plenty of great Victorian inspired humor, all which Carriger juggles admirably.

Timeless divides its time between Alexia in Egypt as she deals with finding the source of the God Breaker Plague, and Biffy in London, as he deals with pack politics. What I ended up enjoying the most about Alexia’s storyline was the humor, much of it provided by Ivy, who is appropriately ridiculous as always. Biffy’s side of the story ends up providing some nice romance, which was hinted about in previous volumes but is now explored more fully. Each storyline culminates in satisfying endings, both that came with plot twists that I did not see coming.

Timeless is an exciting book filled with plenty of action, romance and humor. Having read the entire series now, one thing I appreciate about it is how it did not overstay its welcome. Instead of choosing, as many paranormal authors do, to string out the series for an indefinite amount of time, Carriger makes the wise choice to end Alexia's story on a high note. I now look forward to reading future books by Carriger. Next up on her schedule is a young adult series called The Finishing School which takes place in the same world as the Parasol Protectorate Series (although 25 years earlier), as well as a series about a grown up Prudence. I can’t wait!

Rating: four and a half stars
Length: 341 pages
Source: Lewiston Public Library
Other books I've read by this author: Soulless, Changeless, Blameless, and Heartless

Next I will be reviewing The Silver Bowl by Diane Stanley

xposted to temporaryworlds, bookish, and goodreads

four and a half stars, steampunk, werewolves, paranormal fantasy, year published: 2012, gail carriger

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